First Version 2001
I did my fiist full fledged personal site as a class project back in school. Catch the Harry Potter reference? This was designed using Microsoft Photodraw 2000 and Coded on FrontPage

Circa 2003
For some reason, without knoing much of what I wanted to do or be... I I still waned to have a personal website actually online. to showcase my projects (mainly fanfic, fanart and fanpages :P)

For the next couple of years I ditched the black for something more warm.. and of course becouse i loved skewmorphism. This was mainly due, me moving from PhotoDraw to... wait for it.... Real Draw a fairly unknown vercto/raster software for a while.But it had a built-in function to export as HTML (with hover buttons and all( that I enjoyed thouroughly for a while.

It wasn't till 2004 that i actually got to have my own site up online. By this time I was most certain I was going to be a novelist.. so it featured mostly writings and apersonal diary. (How embarrassing)

Finally on 2005 I met Photoshop! (Can't you tell by the excessive use of brushes?) By this time I had moved from actually only doing websites to being commisioned a couple by my family. Thre site was coded on plain HTML and used a news management system named Cutenews! I was still too afraid of proper PHP and databases. I also moved from geocities to my own paid domain.

Finally I lost my fear to PHO when I started using wordpress. And things for some reason went back to being back.

Things then got a bit more sober

And then... finally everything seemd to say I should do my website in Flash If I wanted to go somewhere as a designer. But the truth is I could never get pass the unbelivavbly horrible experiencee that is to work with Flash. Its just a nightmare. This are some of the attempts at what and animate flash website would have been... Some even got into some very basic animation stages..

After years of suffering with flash and the need to re do mysite growing urgent. I created a simple motion webcomic to sum everything up. With this update I changed my doain to

Believe it or not... the flash based comic wasn't a great hit, so I move on to a propper wordpress base portfolio. The post-it came back from the skewmorphic days. It was draggable and there was a secret link behind it... what it was... you will now never know.

The Final version of came when I joined forces with my Boyfriend to make it more oriented towardsillustration and comics. This version of the site was up till 2014. When the site was hacked and planted with viruses, I was never smart enough to completely get rid of.